September 29, 2010

No More Excuses!

I was sitting on my couch watching, of all things, a made for TV movie—you know the kind, so dramatic and unbelievable you get glued to the couch… it’s like reading a juicy romance novel. I didn’t intend to watch this movie, I intended to go to the gym; that was my plan, my agenda for the day. Yet all I needed was an excuse to not go to the gym, but 15 minutes into the movie I thought about all of you zipping with me. I saw your faces and your monthly reports flash through my memory, and I began thinking about how easy it is to make up excuses on why we didn’t work out, or why we ate the brownie last night, or why we took the second helping of dinner. In all reality—we don’t even care about the movie, the brownie wasn’t necessary, and we were full after the first helping of dinner.

I realized the movie was just an excuse I was using for myself, and as I sat there and thought of you and of my dress that still hasn’t zipped hanging in my closet, I stood up and immediately went to the gym for an hour of cardio. When I left the gym I was fully satisfied, unlike after watching a movie, eating dessert or an extra plate at dinner. It is interesting to me how I can be unmotivated to begin the workout, but extremely satisfied when it is over. I have dedicated an hour a day to cardio for the rest of the zip it up challenge, and I challenge you to do this with me. If you are feeling unmotivated or distracted, think of me, but more importantly, think of your health, your clothes hanging in your closet, and above all, your loved ones who want you to live long, active lives.

Enjoy your workout,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You look great! Good to have you back.