September 08, 2010

What's Her Secret?

It’s well known that Fit Coach Carla Burns has FABULOUS abdominal muscles; the kind that the rest of us secretly covet while telling ourselves- “it’s got to be genetics”.

What’s her secret? The Plank. Looks Simple. Extremely Effective. No Equipment Required.

Here’s what it looks like:

Push yourself off the floor unto your elbows and toes. Keep your core tucked in, this will work both your stomach and back muscles. Tighten your stomach and lower your back side so that you are as flat as possible and hold for 10-60 seconds depending on your ability. The stronger your core becomes the longer you should hold the pose.

For those of you who are ready for a challenge, try this:

Once you have held the plank for 10 seconds immediately raise your body into the air without moving your elbow or toes position. Your core should be the primary muscles that bring your body into this position. From here go back down into the plank and repeat. Up/Down/Up/Down.

Your Results: Abs like Fit Coach Carla Burns

It’s not genetics: her secret is eating well, taking the right supplements, engaging your core muscles regularly and adding cardio to your life.

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