Hello It Works team! Today is our first ever FUN FRIDAY! Fun Friday is a day for me to share something fun, interesting, exciting, silly, thought provoking, challenging, or amazing with YOU! Here's what I have for you today: The Myers-Briggs Personality Test
We've all taken a personailty test at one time or another. They are fun, and can give you insight into how you view and perceive the world around you. Some of you may have used this particular personality assesment before, according to Wikipedia it is the "the world’s most widely used personality assessment".
Knowing and understanding how YOU identify and discover the world around you can help you in your business. You will understand your strengths, weaknesses, how you work in a team, what kind of leader you are, and so much more. You can use this information to improve your communication and sales skills!
Take the test and share your results with us! It's fun to see just how accurate this thing can be! For me, it was alarmingly spot on! I am an "Idealist" (INFP). What are YOU?!
Take the test by clicking HERE.
Take the test by clicking HERE.
How fun I'm an ENFJ. :o)
Fun Test! My result: Your Type is
ENFJ. :-)
I'm an ESFJ, and yes I'm in management and sales.. how cool
I'm an ESFJ too! Guardian-Provider
yes an excellent assessment tool. I took this assessment several times in my career and each time my preference is an INFJ
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