November 01, 2010

Count to Ten and Be Healthy!

One reason so many of us have a hard time developing new, healthy exercise and eating habits is that one little word: new. Experts tell us it takes 30 daily repetitions to establish a habit. In addition, with lifestyle changes, the work gets even harder because you’ve been repeating those old unhealthy habits for years—or maybe even your entire life.

That’s why I am so excited about the new children’s book we have coming out; “Count to Ten and Be Healthy with Dr. Don.” If we can catch kids when they are young and help them create healthy lifestyle habits today, we are making it easier for them to be healthy and happy the rest of their lives.

The new children’s book includes the same Biblical health truths that I have been teaching and preaching ever since the Lord called me into my health ministry. Here they are in a nutshell:

1. Drink water; It’s what you are mostly made of.

2. Do your exercise.

3. Breathe fresh air.

4. Go outside when the sun is out.

5. Learn to relax.

6. Eat your fruits.

7. Eat your vegetables.

8. Eat whole grains.

9. White meat if you choose meat.

10. Get to bed on time.

These daily health habits aren’t just for kids; they are the basis for good health no matter what your age. Where did I find them? In the Bible! “Count to Ten and Be Healthy” provides a Bible verse for each one. When children—and adults—know that the God who loves us has given us these simple keys to health, it provides even more motivation to choose what’s best.

“Count to Ten and Be Healthy” concludes with these verses from my little song, which you may have heard me sing if you’ve been to one of my seminars or have seen Susan and I on TV. Sing along if you know the tune! (Even if you are senior citizen but still a child at heart)

Dr. Don’s Be Healthy Song

Fruits and vegetables, whole grains

White if you choose meat.

Drink what you’re mostly made of.

Water makes your health complete.

Learn to relax. Get to bed on time.

Do your exercise.

Breathe fresh air when the sun’s out there.

Eat like this little rhyme.

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