May 23, 2012

That Happy, Clean, and Regular Feeling

Keep your digestive system regular with the right foods, drinks, and It Works!® products

Are you spending more time in the bathroom but having less to show for it? Are you feeling bloated, sluggish, and a bit on the noisy side? No one really wants to talk about bowel movements, constipation, or anything else to do with the digestive system with family and friends—or even with a doctor—but digestive health is important to keeping your entire body in top shape.
Ignoring your digestive system health can lead to serious problems—which can get seriously uncomfortable! So how can you keep your digestive system—the body’s exhaust system, so to speak—running clean and smooth? Much like a car, it starts with the type of fuel you put in it.  

Cleaner-Burning Foods
The best food to keep your digestive system running on all cylinders is fiber. People who eat high-sugar, high-fat, low-fiber diets often suffer from constipation. Fiber is important for sweeping your colon clean, a crucial role considering the colon is the most important organ for cleansing and detoxifying your body. There are two types of fiber that perform different tasks in your digestive system: insoluble and soluble fiber.

Insoluble fiber adds bulk to your intestines, which keeps food moving through the digestive tract and helps regulate bowel movements. Dark, leafy green vegetables, fruits (especially fruit skins), and whole-wheat products are the best sources of insoluble fiber. While you may have turned up your nose and proclaimed “No spinach!” as a kid, you need all those “awful greenery” vegetables to support digestive system health.
Soluble fiber binds with water in the intestines, filling the intestine and promoting digestion. Oatmeal, oat bran, barley and other 100% whole grains are excellent sources of soluble fiber. That bowl of morning oatmeal does more than wake and warm you up; it helps rev up your digestive system!

Even if you’re eating more fiber, you won’t see optimum results without fiber’s digestion buddy: water. To keep your system flowing, drink what you’re made of! Between 65 and 70 percent of your body is water.[1] Water is the ultimate detoxifier, crucial for flushing waste from your colon. Fibers absorb water and need it to help “push” them through. Without adequate water intake, you may end up dealing with constipation, the reason you started eating more fiber in the first place!

Regular Help  
Even though your body wants what’s natural, it can be hard to pack all these foods into your diet. Start your day with a boost of protein and fiber with Ultimate ProFIT™. This superior protein blend also offers a unique blend of seven different soluble and insoluble fibers to help keep you fuller longer and promote healthy digestion. Add even more fiber to cereal or oatmeal by mixing in some Ultimate ProFIT or blend it in a delicious morning smoothie.

Keep your digestive system regular with the naturally based supplement that is so effective it’s name says it all: Regular™. It is designed to aid in cleaning out toxins and waste from the colon and restore and support normal colon function. Regular also works to balance pH levels in the colon, much like natural insoluble fiber.
Having a clean-running digestive system is easier than you think. Grab the fiber, go for the leafy greens, drink your H2O, and give an extra boost to your digestive health from Ultimate ProFIT and Regular. Your tummy will thank you, and the person sitting next to you will be thankful too!  

[1] Dr. Don VerHulst. Ten Keys That Cure: Bible Truths for Better Health Today. 2009. 119.

1 comment:

Robert Wozney said...

These products are great and work better then any thing I have used in the past

Robert Wozney