August 10, 2012

I love It Works! Global

By: CEO, Mark Pentecost

I love It Works! Global! Our business is about building relationships or, as I like to say, creating a culture of connectors. I’ve heard for years that our industry is a numbers game, but It Works! takes that to a “whole ‘notha level!” We are Connection Creators; we build relationships. That is the “Magic” and “Best Kept Secret” to our company’s success.

Every company experiences bumps in the road.  Maybe it is a back order, missed orders, or even crooked labels on products. Since we are people, and let’s face it, people make mistakes, so there will be imperfections. It is our connections and relationships that rise above these issues. I’ve always said there is no perfect company, but we strive to be the perfect company for YOU. By creating a culture of connections, those relationships are what allow us to rise above these issues, move us past these times in our business. Some say trust is earned; I say trust is built. Your team and your people will not quit, because you have shown them, above all, how to be a connection creator. Those relationships will stand the test of time.

So, how do we continue to create and develop connections? I believe it is the conference calls, and the personal notes and messages. It’s spending quality time together. It’s the It Works! Culture of Friendships, Fun, and Freedom!

We just finished an awesome Green Carpet and Diamond Day event here in sunny Florida. We connected; we built trust. From recognition, stories, teachings, and trainings we shared our visions and dreams. We listened to real life success stories. Stories of those who have fallen down and gotten back up, more determined than ever. For me it is the networking and sharing after events or during our Corporate office tours. It’s realizing It Works! Global is about families and giving people a vehicle to realize dreams really can come true. Every distributor and every customer has an expectation and a dream. Our mission is to connect with them and build trust.

My challenge to you is to spend time this week connecting with your team and sharing that culture with your newly sponsored distributors and customers. At ItWorks! Global, we care! Let’s reach out and create a culture of connecting with our greatest asset, our people!

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