June 27, 2013

The Three R's of It Works!

CEO Mark Pentecost’s Green Carpet Wrap Up

Wow! This past weekend was incredible. For the first time in It Works! history, we SOLD OUT Green Carpet! It was amazing to see that 90% of the room had either never been to an It Works! event or had just joined our company within the past 90 days. We are breaking records and creating history—and I want you to be part of it!
One of my favorite parts of the weekend was our Diamond Day training. We got to spend the day with new Diamonds, Double Diamonds, and Triple Diamonds talking tips, sharing advice, and learning how to take our business to a whole ‘notha level.
When you promote to Diamond and the above levels, you start gaining influence. It’s so important to guard your time and influence to put it to good use. Your business counts on it and your family deserves it. You only have so much energy, so spend your energy on things that will build your business!
I opened Saturday’s Diamond Day talking about a topic that I believe will help you do just that,  the three R’s of It Works!: Revenue, Retention, and Recognition. If your action is not promoting one (or all!) of the three R’s, you shouldn’t be doing it. This is our foundation and every action you take should reflect it. This is key to growing your business.
After finishing an amazing Diamond Day, we started the last week of No Excuses June. I leave everyone with the same two challenges: stretch yourself and focus. Now is our time! I believe in you; do you believe in yourself?


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