November 07, 2012

Moving Forward

By: CEO, Mark Pentecost 

We are experiencing historic times at It Works!. Everyday we’re hearing life-changing stories from people who are getting out of debt, walking away from their full-time jobs, taking family vacations, and checking off their lists of accomplishments and fulfilling their Dream Board dreams.  So many of you are accomplishing your goals and reaching levels in record time. Congratulations! 

Let’s take a minute to talk about those of you who have filled out your Dream Boards and set your goals, but maybe you aren’t yet where you want to be.  You have had some setbacks, and you’re questioning the way you’re building your business.  You feel like you are failing. 

We all fail, err, and make mistakes at some point.  The It Works! Way is to be okay with failing as long as you are “failing forward”. Many of the your so-called mistakes are really lessons for you to learn along the way.  A lesson may need to repeat itself until the lesson is learned, but you will know you have learned the lesson when it brings positive change and you reap tangible rewards.  

Failure is simple; it is the price we pay to achieve success.  If we learn to embrace this definition of failure then we are free to move ahead and “fail forward.”
Remember, it is good to learn from your mistakes, it is better to learn from other’s mistakes, but it is best to learn from other’s successes.

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