September 14, 2010

Are You SICK of Your Arms Jiggling like JELLO?

Begin your tricep workout by choosing the right weight for yourself. You will probably use a lighter weight than what you use for your biceps, but don’t go to light, because you do want to see results! If you feel slightly sore after your workout, that’s actually a good sign. If you feel pain, they are too heavy, try something lighter next time.

Exercise 1: Place a weight in each hand and follow the steps in the pictures

Try to do 30 repetitions in a row! Don’t worry if you can’t right away, just do as many as you can and then increase as the days go on, you’ll be surprised what your body can do.
After you extend your arm, bring your arm back to position one, and repeat!

Exercise 2: Place a weight in each hand and follow the pictures below.

Try to do 30 repetitions in a row! Don’t worry if you can’t right away, just do as many as you can and then increase as the days go on, you’ll be surprised what your body can do.

After you lower the weight raise it back to the ceiling with straight arms and repeat!

I strongly encourage you to find a mirror and watch yourself do these exercises so that you can make sure you are doing everything properly.

Things to look for:

Straight Back

Elbow Postion

Legs should be balancing your body weight by placing them shoulder width apart and don’t lock your knees.

If you have questions, I’m here to answer them. Join me on FITworks community for individual attention.

– Carla

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