Only 6 weeks left... Time to focus!!
Can you believe that we only have 6 weeks left of the Zip it Up Challenge? Wow! It seems like just yesterday that I was preparing for this contest, picking out my dresses and starting to get to know all of you – and of course over 20 pounds heavier. All of that was in reality five months ago! Wow how time flies, and how life changes. I’ve learned that life can be a bit unpredictable—sometimes this is wonderful and sometimes a bit scary—but I believe the unpredictability plays a huge role in weight gain and weight loss.
Looking back at the course of the challenge I have realized that the first six weeks were the ones where I was the most focused and saw the most dramatic results, the following few months were full of maintaining and strengthening my body. I have noticed a huge difference in my muscle tone, and I continue to notice my body becoming leaner. It is now time to finish strong and I am encouraging all of you to focus with me. Although months can look long and overwhelming, six weeks is measurable, manageable, and best of all, long enough to see results and short enough to stay consistent.
Don’t forget to send in your monthly measurements and pictures; I have seen so many of you already reaching great results! I can’t wait to see where we all are when October 31st, 2010 arrives! Take a look at your next six weeks, plan out your goals, and set time in your schedule for yourself. A little planning will go a long way! The end is near, so keep me posted on how you’re doing! My goal is to make the last six weeks the best six weeks of the entire challenge. For those of you zipping out there, don’t forget there’s a $1000.00 shopping spree waiting for our challenge winner! Will it be you?
Keep Zipping,
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