September 14, 2010

How to View YOUR World

I recently heard of a five year old boy that confidently announced to his mother, “I want to be an astronaut.” Curiously, the mom asked, “So why do you want to be an astronaut?”

“Well,” he observed, “astronauts get to walk on the moon and they can see the world better than anyone else.”

“That’s interesting,” his mother replied. “How can you see the world so well from up there?”

The five year old then replied, “The world is easier to see when you’re not in it.”

As I was asking God to give me His message for this month’s article, this story and the depth of insight given from such a young boy inspired me. Sometimes, we may watch others soar through life, seemingly unfazed by too few hours in a day, overcrowded schedules, and countless commitments, and we may think to ourselves, “I know God has a special plan for my life, but did I miss it? Am I too far along in life for God to show me a bigger dream and a way to fulfill this passion?” Or still yet, “God might want to use me, but my life is just way too busy right now!”

Like the story above illustrates, when we are in the middle of life, too close to the daily demands, we can miss an opportunity right in front of us. We all need time out to recharge, refresh, and be in a community of like minded people to help us renew our minds and instill new hope in us. As most of you know, the Freedom 2010 Conference is coming up, and some of you may not have registered because of all those “common sense” reasons, the negative voice that tells you a million reasons why it won’t work, instead of how to MAKE it work. What if this is the very thing God does want you to be a part of so you can focus on His path and renew your passion for living again? This is what God’s word says:

“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their work. For if they fall, one will lift his fellow worker. But woe to the one who is alone when he falls and has not another to help lift him up…..And though a man might prevail against one, two will support him – a cord of three stands is not easily broken.”

Ecclesiastes 4: 9, 10 and 12

Regardless of your circumstances, your background, your finances, we all have to take the time to gain a new perspective. Life has a way of knocking us down and I can promise you, that whatever sacrifice it may take for you to attend this year’s Freedom Conference, it will change your life for the better. I want to end this with a prayer that is being said for all of you. I look forward to meeting you at the conference.

“Open our hearts Lord. Make us willing to yield to You and to the wonderful plans You have for our lives. We are trusting that You have dreams for us, far beyond what we have in our minds. In Jesus Awesome Name, Amen”

-Cindy Pentecost

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