I have been eager and energized to start this blog with you. I love what I do and have a strong passion to grow It Works into a company that pours into people’s lives. We are changing the financial footprints of families, friends and individuals while helping them look younger on the outside and being healthier on the inside. I want to start this blog with a challenge: I challenge you to take control of your life.
Many people only have a Plan A. For many years, people have earned a paycheck and send a portion of it to a “financial advisor” hoping this person or group will correctly invest it for future use. Plan A took a hit when our economy suffered a terrible downturn; many family incomes were reduced and some completely turned upside down by job loss and job reduction. In addition, money that had already been invested took great loss. The biggest problem with Plan A is that most people have no Plan B.
My passion is to start a movement that puts the person who cares most about your financial future in control — that person is YOU. My “Plan B” for your life, is to provide you with the opportunity to invest in yourself. Instead of putting more money into an IRA, SEP or 401k (although these are great tools) you should invest money and time into yourself and your own business. When you think honestly on the subject, who cares the most about your future and finances? You do, so take control of it.
The reason I am so passionate about this is because I was once a school teacher who only had one plan; Plan A. I created my Plan B by joining a home based business and it changed my life. Partnering with the right company and investing my time and energy into something that was mine changed my future along with my entire family’s future. You may work harder than ever, but investing in yourself is both fun and rewarding work. I am asking you to work harder and do a few things you may not like doing, so that you can spend a lifetime enjoying all the things you love to do. I desire for you to start dreaming again; to start dreaming of the life you want, then investing in yourself to have the finances and time to actually do them. Are you ready to take this journey with me?
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