June 10, 2011

Let's GO H2O!

By Dr. Don VerHulst

Summer’s here! Just like the grass in your front yard or the tomatoes growing on your deck, you need more water in hot weather…or you’ll wilt! You could say health starts with a five-letter word: W-A-T-E-R. Your body is mostly made of water. Between 65 and 70 percent of your body is water; your brain is more than 80 percent water, your blood is more than 90 percent water. Since your blood is mostly water and “the life of the flesh is in the blood” (Leviticus 17:11), that means you need water, water, and more water to be healthy.

You lose approximately ten cups of water a day from breathing, urination and sweating—even more in summer heat. So you need to drink ten cups just to break even and replenish yourself Yet few people drink the “break even” amount—most people drink much less. I cannot overestimate the number of people who walk around chronically dehydrated!

Do you often feel fatigued, irritable, depressed, confused, or beset by intense food cravings? You simply could be dehydrated. You can do a couple easy tests for dehydration. First, lightly pinch the skin on the back of your hand together and pull upward. If your skin doesn’t immediately recede back into place when you let go, but rather stays raised for a few seconds, you need more water. Second, check the color of your urine. It should be light, not dark or even yellow. If your urine is colored, you need more water.

Dehydration creates a multitude of physical problems. It also gives illness and disease a chance to take hold. Many illnesses are exacerbated by or even result from chronic dehydration. Often you’re not so much sick when the doctor prescribes something as you are thirsty. You just don’t know it. The medical community often ends up treating the effects of your pitifully low water intake with medication. However, many medications can be poisonous to your body and generate undesirable side effects, so you want to avoid them as much as possible. In large part you can accomplish that by drinking the water your body so desperately needs. A well-hydrated body is a healthy body.

If you drink significantly more water, your sensitivity to your body’s need for water will also significantly increase. The more water you give your body, the more you’ll know when you need it. That’s a healthy cycle to get started.

Dehydration is also a major cause of premature aging. Perhaps the most common physiological cause of premature aging is low levels of growth hormone. You can combat low levels of this rejuvenating hormone by taking two ItWorks New You 3.0 at bed time and one in the morning. This unique anti aging product is designed to help your pituitary gland both make and release your body's own growth hormone more efficiently. No need to worry about the serious side effects and the extreme cost of prescription only growth hormone injections. Stay young naturally and economically with the New You 3.0

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