May 31, 2013

Belief: The Key to Success in the Direct Sales Industry

Kami Dempsey, Ambassador Diamond

When I look at building this business (or any business, really) I see belief as the key to overall success or failure in this industry. I look not only at belief in yourself, but belief in your product, in the owners, and in the industry as a whole. What I love about belief is it is something that YOU can have a hand in. What do I mean by that? Well ultimately if you want to be successful in an industry like direct sales or network marketing then you need to invest in yourself and your business to truly RAISE your belief and change the course of your overall destiny.

I was watching The Bible series recently, and as I watched the episode of Jesus and Peter on the Sea of Galilee, something really hit home after Jesus told Peter to throw his net in yet AGAIN after a day of no success and during the time of the day when fish weren’t biting. There definitely wasn’t “belief” in the conditions or “belief” in Jesus as he had just met the man, but he did have FAITH. So while I say that belief is fundamental to anyone’s overall success with their It Works! business, I also believe that as you raise your belief level you must walk in faith. Where will your faith come in? It’s faith in the person introducing you to the business, trying the products, launching your business, and getting excited about what you just started.

After you take the plunge I strongly recommend plugging in to corporate events and calls, corporate and team pages, your sponsor and team, and then reading everything you can on the industry, leadership, and owning a business. The more your belief grows the faster your success will follow. Be a Peter; throw your net in. Then, get ready for the ride of a lifetime!

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