September 14, 2010

LEAN on the Lord

By Dr. Don

Everywhere I go to speak, I am asked for advice on how to lose weight. We are a nation obsessed with ideal weight—and we have good reason. Obesity is killing us! The Bible gives you a health plan, and that plan includes diet advice. I like to sum up God’s weight loss plan with an acronym, LEAN.

L is for liquids, namely water. Drinking plenty of water is important to good health and essential if you want to lose weight. Water constitutes up to 70% of your body tissues, 80% of your brain tissues and 90% of your blood. It detoxifies you, cleanses you and lubricates your very cells. If you want to lose weight, drink 8 to 12 glasses a day. Start your day with a 16-ounce glass of water. Drink another full glass of water an hour before meals. Feeling hungry? Maybe you’re thirsty! Fill up on a glass of no-calorie water and see if you can wait a bit longer before eating.

A is avoid. Avoid unhealthy fats and sugar, especially high fructose corn syrup—a highly processed monster that builds fat that your body doesn’t know how to burn. That also means avoiding fast foods and convenience foods.
N is for Nutrients. Your body needs the right raw materials to build that lean muscle mass that burns up calories. What are the right raw materials? Fruits, vegetables, 100% whole grains and good proteins — legumes, eggs, lean meats and grilled fish. Whole food nutrition helps you break the craving cycle, mentally, physically and even emotionally.
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■Liquid: drink plenty of water

■Exercise: move it to lose it.

■Avoid: no more fatty, sugary junk foods.

■Nutrients: Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and It’s Vital
E is for exercise. You know, if you don’t move it, you just won’t lose it. Exercise does more than burn fat and calories. It gives you more energy and releases endorphins—those feel-good brain chemicals. Exercise also builds lean muscle mass. Even at rest, lean muscle mass burns 20 times more calories than fat mass. Muscle is your best friend in weight loss.

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