September 14, 2010

Mail Box Money

Everyone needs a Plan B. Plan B is something that your job does not provide. Plan B is something that requires action from you, whether it’s investing in yourself, your time, or your money. Today, I am going to talk to you about the term “Mail Box Money”. It came to me this morning as I listened to a songwriter speak about writing a song. Every time his song is sung by the artist or played on the radio, he gets paid! He waits at home for the check to arrive in his mailbox. This is where the term, “Mail Box Money” comes from. When you invest the time to have a wrap party, It Works sends you Mail Box Money. When you invest in yourself, learning about the products and educate your family and friends, It Works! send you Mail Box Money for every Loyal Customer. When you invest your money into the marketing materials and Blitz your city, you got it, Mail Box Money! For every Distributor that comes into your It Works business and every Loyal Customer you gather It Works sends you Mail Box Money. So here’s my question: HOW MUCH MAIL BOX MONEY DO YOU WANT? Are you willing to make sacrifices right now so you can have Mail Box Money tomorrow? Are you willing to chase your dreams, so you can live the life you envision? From now until conference you’re going to hear me ask “How’s your Mail Box Money?” I want you to succeed with this business. I love seeing that Mail Box Money go out every month. We have three weeks until conference; how’s your Mail Box Money?

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