September 14, 2010

"PLANNING" For Success

I recently heard of a family who decided last summer, to take a family vacation, this summer.  They had been so busy the previous year that time had flown by without them getting away.  Not knowing last summer what their schedules would be the following summer, they did not plan ahead to choose a specific time or destination.  They wanted to be more spontaneous, but definitely knew they NEEDED to make time to take a vacation.  With summer now here they begin planning to get time off. They only have a few days they can choose from because others at their work places have previously asked ahead of them for time off.  They decide on a destination but find the place is completely booked. With the time they do have available to go they were left with very few choices of places to stay.  As they begin working through where to go, they find out the air travel is too expensive with this little notice, or again, no flights left for the days they have to work with.  The money they meant to set aside went to other things so the “vacation fund” is nearly depleted anyway.
Are you getting the picture? Here this couple knows they need to get away this year, but made no real “planned” efforts to be sure this year’s vacation would be a success. As I was listening to this story, it struck me that this scenario can ring true with anything in life. Since It Works distributors are determined to get involved in this opportunity to change the current direction of their futures, doesn’t it make sense to also make some changes in the way they plan out their days and choose wisely the path to success. Clearly, nothing is easily gained without some hard work, sacrifice and especially a strategy for success. Just like beginning a new job, it can be awkward at the beginning, but each day you work it becomes more familiar and soon you find your rhythm and begin producing some good fruit.

Let me ask you some basic questions. Since signing up with It Works have you:

Gone through the online training?

Been on the Sunday night conference calls?

Told people about your business and the products?

Had a launch party?

Removed something from your schedule to make time for this new business?

Used the products so you can be a product of the product and develope your own testimony?

Met your up line?

Signed up for conference?

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