July 12, 2013

Ready. Set. Tweet!

Are you getting social with It Works!? Our social media fan base is made up of thousands of Distributors, Loyal Customers, and some overall great fans liking the It Works! Facebook Fan Page, pinning with us on Pinterest, following It Works! on Twitter, and reading this blog.

If you haven’t jumped into social media with It Works! yet, what about getting a Twitter account? Besides helping you stay plugged in to It Works! Corporate, it’s a simple way to connect with others to grow your It Works! business.

So, what exactly is Twitter? It’s a social media outlet that allows for quick updates to reach the masses, 140 characters or less at a time. Say your favorite store is having a sale that you didn’t know about. Chances are, they’ll send out a tweet to alert their Twitter followers of the sale. If you don’t have a Twitter account or you’re not following that store, you won’t know about the sale. The same goes for following It Works!.

It Works! is waiting for you to join us on Twitter so that we can alert you of all the awesome things happening with the company! Our daily tweets include important reminders, uplifting quotes, product updates, breaking event news, and more! You can follow your fellow distributors, get your Loyal Customers and prospects following you, AND follow members of our corporate team. Yes, you read that right! You can follow your CEO Mark Pentecost, Chief Networking Officer Pam Sowder, and Chief Sales Officer Mike Potillo right on Twitter! Be sure to add @ItWorksMark, @ItWorksPam, and @MikePotillo to the list of people you follow.

You never know what you’ll read on Twitter, but if you’re following It Works!, you’ll get to read it first!


Unknown said...


Great post.

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rosalcis said...

Saludos, equipo de It Works!
¿algún correo para contactarme con vosotros?